Steam Forum menu for steam
I’ve made a menu addon for steam, This places a menu in either your friends list window or the steam window depending on what you want, Also the option for both. This contains many links to the forums that load inside steam itself and will continue to browse inside steam as-well.
This only supports English at the moment, But can support any language steam supports. This does mean I need translators, more information near the bottom.
- This addon will overright core steam files, This is normall.
- If you’re having trouble, Contact me (Info below)

Supported languages as of 1.1:
- English
- German
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- French
- Dutch
- Italian
- Romanian
Supported skins as of 1.1:
- Pixel Vision
- Steam compact
Download and install info
Download link: No longer avaliable
How to install:
I have included install versions for steam skins and what menu you want.
No custom skin install: Go into “Steam Forums menu\” and then choose the type you want, Say i want both menus i then go into that folder and drag and drop everything from the steam folder “Clean steam install\Both menus\steam” into your real steam folder E.G “E:\steam”.
Custom skin install: This is pretty much the same as above but you go here and chose your skin version and then menu version “Steam Forums menu\Steam skins install\”
Restart steam after copying the files!
What i need help with:
Languages, If people can help me translate languages from the list below PM me, or add me on steam (link on my profile).
- Romanian
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Spanish
- Greek
- Portuguese
- Brazilian
- Bulgarian
- Russian
- Danish
- Czech
- Finnish
- Polish
- Korean
- Thai
- Norwegian
- Hungarian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Thai
If you need your custom skin supported, Contact me aswell. Also contact me if you find any bugs.
Thanks to:
- TreadLife – Testing
- Pulseh – Post layout (too busy to create my own :/)
- Simonli2575 – Both Chinese translations
- DreamChaser – German Translation
- Alixey – Italian translation
- Kakkerlak – Mirror download hosting
- Stifler Cosmin – Romanian translation
- GTX2GvO – Ideas and suggestions