
Unity: .ini file parser script (c#)

I have created a .ini file parser for unity, This script enables you to easily create, edit and delete .ini files while being able to fetch and change values stored in them. ini files are mainly used to store settings, such as a games graphics settings, but can easily be used for anything else as its just a variable storage device. I have also added the ability for you to add comments to any variables stored, So if you were to edit the file in a text editor, comments will be shown next to them. (more…)

By kennyist, ago
3D Game

Unity 3D: iTween animation

I was tasked to use iTween for Unity to create helicopter movement and rotor movement.   After looking through the iTween documentation which can be found here, I created a new scene and placed down a provided helicopter model and a camera, I then started to work on the script Read more…

By kennyist, ago