Spy Game

Update: Problems…

Unfortunately during implementing the top-down camera, I was running into a tonne of problems like wall clipping, rotational problems and camera collision. So over the last week I have been creating a new camera system, This one is a third person over the shoulder. This system has proper collision detection Read more…

By kennyist, ago
Spy Game

Design update

A week since the last post I have got quite a bit done, There is now character controls and a few geometry models and ambient sounds: The top down viewpoint poised the problem of how to do inside buildings, To sort this out every building has the bottom floor modelled. Read more…

By kennyist, ago
Spy Game

Going on from the prototype

With the prototype complete I am now moving into creating the full game. There has also been two other people added to the development on this, A texture artist from Falmouth university and a Music student from Plymouth university. Going on We have been changing a few things and coming Read more…

By kennyist, ago

Unity: c# .ini parser big update

Previous post: http://blog.kennyist.com/?p=864 Github: https://github.com/kennyist/Unity_tools In this version i have added the ability to have sections and have also updated the ini formatting. With sections you can also use multiple keys with the same name as long as they are in different sections. The usage is pretty much the same Read more…

By kennyist, ago

Unity: .ini file parser script (c#)

I have created a .ini file parser for unity, This script enables you to easily create, edit and delete .ini files while being able to fetch and change values stored in them. ini files are mainly used to store settings, such as a games graphics settings, but can easily be used for anything else as its just a variable storage device. I have also added the ability for you to add comments to any variables stored, So if you were to edit the file in a text editor, comments will be shown next to them. (more…)

By kennyist, ago